5 Baby Books to Create the Most Special Bedtime Routine

By Liza Maltz

Creating Cherished Bedtime Moments: Our Favorite Books That Spark Love and Learning

Creating Cherished Bedtime Moments: Our Favorite Books That Spark Love and Learning

By the end of the day, after the grind, I often think back to when my son was a baby—how, even though I was exhausted, I always looked forward to that special, quiet time before bed. Not just because they’ll be sleeping (ha!), but because this quiet time before bed was (and is) so sacred. At least it has been for me, watching their face light up as they connect the dots, moving from laying nestled in my arms to sitting up and reaching out, pointing at just the right moment. And then, there’s that magical transition when they start to blurt out the words before I could even read them. Witnessing this growth, the unfolding of awareness and joy—well, there are no words to describe how it makes me feel, These days, my son usually stays up later than me, but he’ll still come in, jump on my bed, hang out with our dogs, and talk. I truly believe that creating these routines follows them through life.

Our nightly ritual was made even more special with the books we chose. Here are some that became staples in our bedtime routine:

Duck! Rabbit!

This book sparked my little one’s curiosity in ways I couldn’t have imagined. It even got him army crawling at just four months old! The playful ambiguity of whether the animal is a duck or a rabbit kept my child engaged and eager to explore the world around them.

On the Night You Were Born

Since day one, this book has been a constant in our bedtime routine. The soothing words, reminding my child of how truly loved they are, are the perfect way to end the day. It’s become our nightly tradition, a reminder of the special bond we share.

Goodnight Moon
By Brown, Margaret Wise
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Goodnight Moon

An absolute classic, "Goodnight Moon" has a calming rhythm that’s perfect for winding down. The simple yet captivating illustrations have had my child pointing out the “little mouse” night after night.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This book is not only a fun read but also a great way to introduce concepts like counting, days of the week, and the life cycle. My child loves tracing the caterpillar’s journey through the colorful pages.

I Love You, Good Night
By Buller, Jon, Schade, Susan
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I Love You, Goodnight

Automatically became a cherished part of our bedtime routine. Every night, as we settled in, the soothing rhythm of this book wrapped us in a warm embrace, reminding us of the simple joys of love and connection. There’s one line that always brought a smile to my face and a giggle from my little one: “I love you like I love blueberry pancakes.” It was one of our favorites weet, comforting, and full of love, just like our nightly tradition. This book isn’t just about saying goodnight; it’s about celebrating the love we share, one page at a time.

These books not only enriched our bedtime routine but have also been integral in my child’s development, turning those quiet, sacred moments into lasting memories. Whether you’re starting your own bedtime tradition or looking for new books to add to your collection, these titles are sure to become family favorites. I hate when people say to enjoy every moment, but you can try to soak up some really special ones (now he’s 14 and he wants to watch Marvel Movies with me,sigh. I’ll take what I can get! )—

Happy snuggles!



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