Is your child’s Emotional & Physical health suffering in these crazy times?



As a mother of two, Rachel Dube is constantly trying to retool and rework how she parents each of her children because they are so different from one another and motivated in entirely different ways. It is her job to identify the different ways that her children feel happy and excited about growing and learning, both in school and as individuals.

That is why I’m so intrigued by Rachel’s new company, Elite Method, which I just recently discovered. I have a ten year old son and am always questioning whether I am providing him with the right support and resources to be his most successful self. Elite Method is one of the resources I now lean on to support me in the ever complicated challenge of raising healthy and happy children in a very crazy world.

Elite Method is the first of its kind, one on one coaching program for children that combines “life coaching” and “sports coaching” into one custom designed program. Their mission is to look at the “whole child” and teach them both the physical skills AND emotional skills to be their most confident selves.

The coaches become mentors and motivators which is so fantastic for younger boys and girls looking for role models and confidants as they navigate this super competitive new world we live in. I believe Elite Method provides an invaluable service to really guide and nurture your child, to not only survive the challenges of childhood adolescence, but truly to thrive.

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Rachel Dube, the Founder of Elite Method to discuss why she developed Elite Method and to learn more about her program. Read on to learn more from my Q &A with Rachel!


Q: What is your background and how did Elite Method come to be?

A: Elite Method is really the cumulative result of having been in the children’s sports development world for so many years. My first business, DubeZone provided sports programs to dozens of schools in NY and NJ. In that time, working with thousands of children I learned a tremendous amount about what makes some kids successful and leaves others struggling. It became clear that helping a child develop sports skills was wonderful and important, but it didn’t address the core issue of boosting a child’s confidence and helping them navigate an often confusing world. Confidence is what gives kids the ability to feel good in their own skin and to want to make their mark on this world. I was determined to create a program that combined both fundamental sports skills training with a social/emotional component that would allow children to develop their social skills and confidence. Children need to feel good on the “inside” and the “outside”!

Q: What types of children are ideal for this program?

We have every type of child in this  program. After all, who doesn’t need a confidence boost and an edge in todays age? Our clients range from kids who are literally afraid to catch a ball, to those who are super athletes on school teams. Both types of children can be equally  plagued with confidence and social skills challenges. Whether the issue is impulse control, shyness, hyper-competitiveness, lack of focus, or anything else, we identify and address the specific challenges and work on rectifying them. Our youngest client is 4 and our oldest is 18.

Q: How does the program work?The Elite Method program was conceived as a premium/concierge level service that would offer parents quality, convenience and flexibility. In simplest terms, parents can buy sessions in packages of ten or twenty. They communicate directly with the coach to schedule sessions at their convenience. Coach comes to the house and picks up their child to take them to the backyard, playroom, local park or gym. They play and talk and bond. Coach returns your child home happier and more tired than when he left!

Q: Is it really that simple?

No, of course not! There is a tremendous amount of work being done behind the scenes by our corporate staff and coaches. All kinds of data analysis, lesson plan and curriculum development, progress tracking, report writing, etc. But what really matters the most, inevitably, is the magic that happens between the coach and the child as they build rapport and bond. Kids really crave the undivided attention they get from their coach. How many kids can say they get undivided attention from an adult for 75 minutes straight? Kids just want to be listened to and have someone believe in them.  Our coaches become your children’s biggest advocates and cheerleaders. Whether it’s pushing them through a physical challenge or congratulating them on a job well done or just talking them through a hard time, kids know they have always have someone in their corner.

Q: What can parents expect as a result of the program?

Parents can expect multiple things to happen. First thing they will notice is the obvious physical fitness and sports skills development. We track it very carefully and report back to parents with specific data on growth and progress week to week.

But more importantly, parents will notice subtle but meaningful changes in their child’s social and emotional growth. Which is, more important now than ever. Kids in our program learn how to identify and control their emotions. They exhibit more patience, resilience and improved listening skills. Their motivation increases and they are willing to try new things and express their thoughts and feelings. Ultimately it is this kind of growth that leads to a more capable and confident child.

Q:Why do you think Elite Method has been so successful in creating meaningful results in these children?

Our success can really be attributed to two factors. First, is the extraordinary amount of work that went into the development of the methodologies we use in this program. We spent eighteen months collaborating with the the best specialists and experts in child development before we ever took our first client. We incorporated best practices from fields such as child psychology, occupational therapy and physical therapy.Second, is the phenomenal work our coaches do in truly getting to know every child and what makes them tick. They observe and listen attentively. They don’t judge and they are solely focused on giving every child whatever support it is that they need to feel more confident and content with who they are. Watching these relationships blossom has been very moving and hearing from parents how their child has made great strides is incredibly rewarding. The testimonials from parents have motivated us to work even harder and continue to innovate and support as many kids as we can!

Q: This recent pandemic has deeply affected children in many challenging ways. What are you seeing and hearing from families about their experiences in these difficult times?

Sadly, children are going to be the biggest collateral victims in this entire situation. In fact, we won’t know the mental and physical health consequences of this pandemic on children for many years to come. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children keep to a healthy routine both physically and socially. I am receiving way too many calls from parents who are telling me their child has not left their bedroom or gotten off the couch in many weeks. They are becoming lethargic and anti-social. For younger children, the lack of sunshine and playdates and freedom is having a detrimental effect on their psyche. And for older children, the instability and sudden change of plans and expectations with regard to  camp, school and their lives in general is causing behavioral problems and depression. Our coaches are working harder than ever to keep our clients active, social and in a healthy state of mind. We won’t let these kids fall through the cracks and regress. This pandemic is a great learning opportunity for children (and adults too) to learn coping skills, flexibility and empathy. Our coaches are instilling these values every day. 

Q: Is the Elite Method program available in multiple geographic areas?

Yes!  We have an incredible coaching staff that covers much of the NY Metro area including, Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Westchester,  Long Island, Hamptons and Northern Bergen County. And best of all, anyone who mentions will receive a 10% discount on any Elite Method Coaching session package!

Thanks so much Rachel for this great interview and sharing this very interesting information about Elite Method with our readers. It truly does take a village to raise great kids and we are lucky to have such great resources like Elite Method available to us!

If you would like to learn more about Elite Method please go to

You can email Rachel directly at or call her at 917-575-8970.

Let me know if you try it , My kid is psyched to begin!



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