De-Stress not Distress …


Parents, let’s just cut to the chase. This has been an insane school year! Remote, blended, back full time, bored kids, bored parents, struggling to sleep, missing friends and family members…Anyone else like, really, really stressed out? (If not, what is your secret?!)

It’s hard to entertain kids during this pandemic, but we’ve got some good news for you: sloomoo is here for you! Sloomoo Institute is an awesome, family-friendly interactive slime destination in the heart of SoHo (NYC) that offers fun for sensory kids who need a little extra stimulation and for those who just love oooy gooey slime. 

Sloomoo’s New York flagship hotslime (slimyspot?) is reopening in-person on September 12, with strict COVID-19 precautions. And that’s not all…they’re also launching afterschool, virtual classes.

Tell me more, tell me more…

Sloomoo’s after school program is a smart and fun mix of slime-making (Don’t worry, parents, they’re experts on managing the mess so you won’t be unhappy) as well as science, upcycling, and art.

Kids will spend 6 weeks learning ways to make beautiful slime creations and crafty innovations based on a fresh theme that will keep your kids inspired, engaged and full of happiness—is there anything better than learning and having fun at the same time?

How it works remotely

A big box of supplies will be sent to your young participant the week before Sloomoo After School launches! The program will run from the week of September 14th until the week of October 19th.

Get ready for dancing, crafting, science, and joy!

Hurry and sign up -- spaces are filling up fast!

Get Som Sleep

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More and more studies are showing during this pandemic individuals are more stressed out than ever, downloading calming and therapy apps on their phone more than ever, and also having really intense dreams. It’s definitely a tough time, but additional help is on the way, don’t you worry. (The less you worry, the better your physical and mental health will be right, right?)

Parenting is pretty darn stressful, and that’s why you should check out Som Sleep .

I've tried it myself and it works for me. I like that it’s really unique, easy, and safe. Som Sleep is a drink you take 30 minutes before bed. I find it comforting that they product is  backed by doctors, trainers, and nutritionists; plus many nurses across the country swear by the product.

Unlike Melatonin or some other pill-based sleep products on the market, I find this easier to take since it's a berry flavored drink (and tasty, I must say!)

The combined relaxation and sleep ingredients in one drink includes: Magnesium, Vitamin B6, L-Theanine, GABA and combining it with Melatonin—all good for your body, which helps promote a more relaxed and natural sleep.

Given that these drinks are drug free and non-habit forming, they are not meant to knock you out, but rather give you a fuller night of sleep. Getting a deep sleep as a doula is super important for me so I can be well-rested and alert for every one of my mommies! I have to be able to fall asleep but pop back up on a moment’s notice and that’s why I like that this drink helps me relax and mellow out—safely!

Som Sleep kindly created a 15% discount code for us: HAVEANANNY. Just passing it along because I really like this drink and think you will as well.

Oh! Of note: As with all sleep products, if you're nursing, please check with your doctor first before trying Som Sleep. 

 Wishing you all a night of sweet dreams! #youveearnedit

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Founder Have a Nanny Need a Nanny


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