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Want to avoid virtual school this winter?

Are you ready to experience the Most Advanced Probiotic on Planet Earth?

If you know me you know I’m always reading about and looking for the best ways to keep my family healthy. I do know about the importance of gut health so when I came across Progurt Probiotic Sachets the most advanced probiotic on Planet EarthI was eager to try the progurt program.Progurt leads the journey to gut health with its amazing range of innovative supplements. A holistic approach to restore homeostasis to the microbiome.

 Progurt Probiotic Sachets contain 1 Trillion CFU capability per Sachet, making it, clinically tested the most powerful advanced available. A super-strength Probiotic formulation that helps to support microbiome function, while reducing feelings of digestive imbalance and signs of dysfunction. These ingredients have also been shown to have a stimulating / uplifting / improving effect on the immune system, making it a truly multifunctional formulation that can be easily incorporated into any gutcare routine.


HPI® are a proprietary formulation of indigenous human bacteria and include Lactobacillus Acidophilus⁠, Lactobacillus Bifidus⁠ and Streptococcus Thermophilus. These human bacterial strains are identical to the beneficial indigenous bacteria found within your human microbiome, from birth, unlike other probiotics that contain animal and plant strains. All strains are classified as non-transient, colonising strains of beneficial probiotic bacteria. The human body carries over 100 trillion microorganisms in the gut. An effective number of CFU must be from clinically tested probiotic strains that can be delivered alive through stomach acid into the small intestine and colon. Studies have shown these strains can stimulate the immune system, improve digestion and absorption, and increase nutritional support to every living cell in your body. Reduce and eliminate lactose intolerance, food allergies and support the microbiome to function as a protective barrier from harmful pathogens. ⁠


Probiotic Sachets can be consumed any time of the day or night. And unlike other Probiotics you don't have to take them every day. Once per week is enough! AM or PM, at least 30 minutes before food. ⁠ Dairy Free. Soy Free. Gluten Free. No Binders. Bioactive. Bioavailable. Non GMO. Sustainably Sourced. Vegan. 3 seconds to consume with a little bit of purified water. And off to serve, laugh, live and love. ⁠⁠

Join me and the managing director of Progurt on FB Live: Wednesday September 29th @7pm EST To hear more about Progurt their programs and the importance of gut health to keep you and your family healthy this winter!

use code “lizaslist20” for 20%

