Need a Doula?

About Liza

My path to becoming a doula starting during my own pregnancy in 2009. After scouring resources and doing my own research I became aware of the many different methods and paths of birthing. These decisions are often under sold but are so powerful for a family in the hours, days, weeks and even years before and after we give birth.

After having my son I was eager to share my experiences and begin supporting others through their journeys. l became a doula, attending numerous births and helping hundreds of women through their pregnancies. I am passionate about empowering women to acquiring the birthing and bonding moments they deserve. While no birth plan is a certainty empowering women to control their path is what still drives me.

Working with me you will have access to a vast array of resources (traditional and non traditional) and a range of help  — whether it be help through morning sickness, back pain, emotional stress, or just about any other pregnancy and birthing related concern. My personality balances a gentle touch and a firm tone (only when needed).

My life’s work is dedicated to helping your family choose the happiest and healthiest birthing paths for you — every journey is different, because each family is different. Making you feel safe and comfortable is my top priority. I look forward to being a part of this special experience.



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